My brother John got married over the weekend! I'm so happy for him. The wedding was small and sweet. They truly seem happy together.
It seems I have some security issues on my blog b/c the Magic Scraps security certificate has not been renewed. I need to spend some time updating the location of my graphics. I really need to spend some time blogging. There's so much I want to write...but I'm in between lives at the moment... It's a painful, exciting and scary all at the same time. And with all that I need to get accomplished in these last weeks of December, blogging has just not been the priority...
But I'll definitely get back into the swing of things soon!
I am so dang excited about this weekend that I can't STAND IT!!
I should preface this by saying that there's a lot of work involved...but, that's okay. We're having another one of our FAMOUS scrapbooking supply garage sales! PLUS, there will be a crop going on, Desiree of Tater Tots Studios will be doing photo shoots all day...just tons of activity!
Normally I completely stress about these situations. But not this time. Nevermind I haven't even started organizing my "stuff". Why am I not stressing?? Two things. First of all, last week, Ben and I went to Super Suppers. This was the most AWESOME experience. In just under 2 hours, Ben and I had prepared 12 meals for the month. And really, they last a dinner and a lunch so it wasn't just 12 meals. Plus we drank sangria and enjoyed each other's company! So, no stressing about food and I can look forward to delicious and healthy meals with no thought involved. I'm dying to go back! Emily has promised to try it with me.
Why else am I not stressing? Well... we have our "regular" babysitter, Michelle, staying with us over the weekend to help with the kids. So for once, Ben can help me prepare for the day and I won't have to pull an all-nighter! It was such a win-win. Her family is camping for the weekend but she really needed to stay home and work on a project so it all worked out! Ben and I are a little nervous about getting the taste of what it's like to have a I hope we don't get too spoiled.
Emily called and is in the mood for a payday celebration, so she's picking up Pei Wei and coming over to have lunch with me at the office!
So, don't forget...
AMAZING SCRAPBOOKING GARAGE SALE 1232 Exchange Dr Richardson, TX 75081's time. This will be the mother of all blog posts. I feel just the slightest bit caught up. It's an illusion, I'm sure. But it feels good, nonetheless.
This last weekend was such a blur. Got back from Utah, worked, late night digi crop at the lounge (1 am), double header soccer game on Saturday and in between I went racing around for Halloween garb, made 3 Halloween costumes from scratch, dropped Ben off to do country carnival setup at the church, fed the girls at Sonic and then attended the country carnival! Whew! I'm exhausted just writing about it! I was literally making the costumes on the soccer field. Insane! Here are some pics of the day though...made all the running around so worth it.
Can you tell what the girls are? Well, Polka Dot Potatoes of course! It's clear that I have no balance between family life and work life, isn't it.
Emily and I got back from Utah on Friday where we both taped classes for CKU Home Study. I'm still on a high from it. 3 days looking at the mountains. In reality, I only needed to be there for about 3 hours b/c that's how long the taping took but I managed to plop myself in a cube at the CK offices and continue working just like I was at home...only with a much prettier view. It was kind of fun to see what a day of office work would be like at CK. Here is a pic from the set. I'll be sure to go into more detail on the project on my PDP blog.
While in Utah, we went over to Theresa Collins' house. Way fun just sitting around and chatting. Love real she is. Cool chick.
I never posted much about Memory Trends...shame on me! We really, really had some fun. It was so good to meet some of the girls from DST and really get to hang out. I missed the kids so much! I haven't seen my mom much since she took care of them. I think she got her fill. Can you tell that my mom doesn't read my blog? :)
I really loved hanging out with the FX Foto girls {Susan & Mary} and Christine {all pictured above with our caramel apple martinis} and Angie Pederson. And it was just lovely being with Ben. It was nice to know that we in fact still do get along...and least when the children aren't around. It really did bring to light just how much stress the kids put on our interaction with eachother. 5 years and counting 'til Gracie goes to Kindergarten:)
Before Memory Trends, Emily and I went to CKU Houston...but again...I failed to blog it. What an amazing event it was! First of all, Em and I road tripped a Jeep Grand Cherokee. We found the greatest candy store on the way with all the old fashioned candies and what I call WT candies...Chick o Stick, Bit o'Honey, Rocky Road...all my favs. And if you don't know what WT stands for...too bad. I'm not telling you. It was such a surreal event for us. Neither really knows what our future holds...well...Em actually just got great news yesterday so read all about it...But it was great b/c we were there with other Texans...girls that were there from the beginning. It dawned on us while we were there that we've supported every CKU since they took the show on the road. We started in Texas (San Antonio) and ended in Texas (Houston). 5 solid years of being at every event...Amazing! I'm so incredibly happy that Emily will be at all of the events next year but with an equally amazing company as Magic Scraps...Imagination Project. Congrats Em!!
While in Houston, I did something very, very random. The Philadelphia Phillies were in town playing the Houston Astros and the Phillies were staying at our hotel. So this boy that I went to elementary school through high school with is an announcer for the Phillies. His name is Scott Franzke. Being the totally unashamed person that I am, I called down to the front desk and asked for his room. Long story short, we met for drinks on Saturday night. I really don't think we had spoken to eachother since 8th grade...I was a very awkward kid...oh wait, I'm still awkward...nevermind. Here's a pic from our chance encounter: me, Scott and his wife. {pic coming soon}
Somewhere in between Houston and Memory Trends...I think...we celebrated 2 birthdays. Nolen turned 10 and Gracie turned 1!
For Nolen's birthday party, we had a campout at the office. Five 4th grade boys with indoor tents and 7,000 square feet at their disposal. Does it get any better than that? They had so much fun.
Gracie's birthday party was a little less planned and not so well executed but it at least occured. The decision to even have her party was very last 24 hours before. About an hour before the party I was running around trying to fine "the" cake. You know..the cake I should have ordered from somewhere but didn't. I hit Super Target, Minyards, and then Tom Thumb...and found something at Tom Thumb that I could "live with". One big cake with a matching smaller cake. I had Happy Birthday written on one and Gracie on the other. The loser behind the counter unfortunately had TERRIBLE handwriting and the word birthday didn't quite fit on the's like when a 1st grader runs out of room when writing and just goes up the side of the paper...same thing here. It was horrible. So...I'm standing in line lamenting about this hidious cake and talking with Emily on the phone. I get the register and I don't have my card. Like hell I'm not at least getting the card price for these cakes. I ask him to look up my # using my telephone number. He can't find it. I give him 2 more numbers it could be luck. I think to myself...this is it...his my way out of this thing!! I look at the poor teenage cashier and just say "nevermind...forget it!..." and do a terrible thing...I leave the 2 cakes there and literally run out of the store...all the while with poor Emily on the phone still chatting away. I raced out of the parking lot fearing the manager migh come chasing after me. Now I still had no cake for daughter's first birthday and 30 minutes until the party started. I ran by Albertson' luck... My last stop was Kroger and I hit the jackpot. It was cute and perfect! Whew! That was a close one. Here's a pic of the prize cake!
Finally, Emily promised a long time ago that I would post the youtube of Gracie's first steps at Kate's open house. I uploaded it ages ago but never did post it. So if I haven't completely bored you by now, this should do the trick. And...if you've acutally read this all the way through, please comment. I would like to know that this was all not in vain :)
One final thought...many people ask me "how do you do it all?"'s very simple. I DON'T! Here's a perfect example...last Friday night I had a Pampered Chef Party. {It's not closing for a few more days so if you need anything, order here} The house was superficially clean thanks to Ben but our bedroom housed the MOUNTAIN of clean clothes that never seem to find their way to the closet. I had thoroughly threatened the children's lives to keep the bedroom door closed which had worked most of the night...until someone was wondering what came of Ella and started looking for her. Well, she was discovered and so was my big secret. I had had two glasses of wine so it didn't seem so bad at the time...I snapped a pic...we all had a good laugh...and the clothes to date are still there.
So I thought this was the perfect scary picture to end my Halloween post. Have a great day!
We're here! Me and Ben ALONE! In Las Vegas! What a dream come true. Thanks mama for taking care of the kids!
I do miss the kids a ton. I'm so worried about Gracie's hand. It looks aweful but she doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
Nolen worked 5 hours last night on a social studies project that was due today... I'm so proud of him that he finished it. Not real proud that he waited until the last minute...but at least he won't have another trip to the principal's office.
I'm so bummed...there's an event tomorrow evening with my high school class - Class of '90 - that I'm missing b/c I'll be on a plane. I hope everyone has a blast and we do it again. I would so be there if it was at all possible...
Okay, I know how pathetic of a blogger I am and I really will give a full account of the last few weeks...soon. I'm a binge blog reader and becoming a binge blog writer...I'll get better.
But here's a glimpse into my last 72 hours:
I've slept just 8 hours
Finished a major portion of my 2005 taxes for my accountant {I hate taxes and have procrastinated 'til the last minute...and the most ridiculous part is that we're owed a return}
Nearly finished my CKU Home Study Album - Count your Blessings
Turned my son into the principal for not doing his homework...again! He's now grounded from EVERYTHING but books and physical exercise...and he's still hasn't finished his homework tonight.
Did some major first aid on Gracie b/c the poor thing got a hold of the hot water spigot on the water cooler and majorly scalded her hand. She cried for well over 2 hours straight and now has great big blisters popping up.
Spent time with my sister and step sister who surprised my mom with a visit from Florida this week.
...And this is in addition to the regular day to day family and Magic Scraps stuff
See why I don't blog more? Coffee is finished brewing so I have to go. It's never a good sign when I start a pot of coffee at 10 pm.
No, she's not a serial killer...she's a roller girl! Last weekend my mom and I went to the Dallas Derby Devils championship bout to watch her skate for the last time this year. OH MY GOSH was it fun!! I want to be a roller girl! I want to be SMASHLEY! I've been day dreaming about it.
My sister has been skating for about a year now. She's really, really good! Put all your preconceptions of what you think roller derby is out of your mind. Okay, I'll admit that it's not my usual crowd and there's definitely some minor dramatics going on but it's not fake! My sister is a jammer...which means she's basically the quarterback. She scores all the points by skating past her opponents as they attempt to body slam her off the rink. This is serious stuff! I loved watching these huge girls just bounce off my sisters trim 120 pound, all muscle frame. It was awesome! She's awesome!
I also learned important things like what a beeramid is... it's a pyramid made from discarded beer cans. The skaters often slide into them in between periods.
Jim Heath (the Reverend in Reverend Horton Heat and Reverend Organ Drum) played during 1/2 time. It was such a fun night. I'm so glad we made the trip out there. Oh, and her team, the High Seas Hotties, WON!!
Here are some pictures:
Mary in action!
Check out LOTS more pics here at the league photographer's website, who is coincidentally my sister's boyfriend.
So, if there's any local girls brave enough to give it a try, my sister will do a private clinic for us so we can try it out:) Just let me know!
Wow! Boston is an amazing city!! We had such a good time at CKU Masters and taking Nolen was a truly awesome experience! He had such a great time...learned SO much about our country's history. We walked and walked and walked. I really loved being able to give Nolen my undivided baby sisters to interrupt his thoughts or mess with his stuff. Just the two of us hanging out. And being there with Emily was a blast too. Luckily Nolen and Emily both remembered their PJs. It was a big concern of Nolen's that one of them might forget. Here are some fun pics from the trip.
Dinner at No Name was great! Nolen and I got boiled lobsters and worked a little for our dinner.
This is one of my favorite pictures from the trip.
One of the really cool things we got to do was visit the Body world exhibit at the Museum of Science. It was really incredible. After he got a look at a real smoker's lung compared to a non-smoker's lung, I really don't have to worry about a thing. It's all he could talk about for days.
The memories we made together last weekend were amazing. I'm so glad we went together. It was also neat for Nolen to see what I do when I go to CKUs and what it's all about it. I love how comfortable he feels in the crazy make and take setting and in the classroom. He's so easy going and really gets interested in what I do. He's a really cool kid.
CKU Home Study
I got great news this week. I'll definitely be doing some CKU Home Study classes. These are going to be so much fun! I love it b/c everyone can take it, no matter where you live! My classes are a little bit digital and a little bit traditional and a LOT of fun!! So be on the lookout for them soon. More details to come...
Labor Day Crop
We decided to have a crop at the Magic Scraps office on Monday - Labor Day. I can't wait to get caught up on some layouts and projects! The crop is just $5 which covers lunch. EVERYONE gets a goody bag, so come one and all...digi or's open for all!! Just let me know you're coming! e-mail:
It's about 3 am and I'm desperately trying not to fall asleep. We leave for Boston in just 3 1/2 hours! Yippee! Never been to Boston so I'm really excited. It took me quite a while to get packed no sleep for me! I'm too scared of falling asleep and not waking up in time so it's best for to suffer through and then crash on the plane. I don't really like sleeping on the plane b/c it never fails that I wake up with my mouth wide embarrassing.
I'm really, really excited about this trip because my son is coming with me! I used miles to get him a ticket so he's taking a couple of days off school. I really wanted to take him somewhere special this summer - just the two of us - because he did really well on his 3rd grade testing and I wanted to reward him. Chicago came to mind but unfortunately the funds just weren't there. This is actually so much better b/c there's so much more history involved with Boston. Plus, I've never been there so it's fun for me, too!!
This week was fun but busy. On Monday, a bunch of us girls got together to celebrate my birthday and Kate's birthday which is Friday...Happy Birthday, Kate!! Emily, Pam, Jen, and Kandice treated us to a lovely evening! We went to Grand Lux which I adore b/c of the beignets. I could eat those things all day long!
Ben's sister came over last night to visit. She's very single and pretty much looking for a we looked at Wow! What a bunch of losers! I got so sick of reading "I'm seeking a woman who values personal fitness as much as I do" C'mon...just say it...You want some skinny chic! You don't care if she's fit! Anyway, most of the guys wanted to make me vomit so we took that off our list of ways for Arides to meet a man. Now Ben is trying to drag her to the singles group at church. He's a sweet brother.
While I'm on a rant and rave...I have a comment about the whole layered look that's in. I really love it...very cute...long shirts help hide people's cracks...good things:) But...then it just a plot to make us buy more clothes? So, one top isn't good enough...has to be two? three? I'm cheap. I don't like buying 2 shirts for one outfit. Makes no sense to me! Another thing...I was so happy to have the big shirt thing back. It's comforting to me. Takes me back to my teenage years in the 80's...minor hips are huge!!! 3 births later, a shirt pulled tight around my ass is just not a pretty thing! Oh well...Debby Schuh recently told me that once you've worn a style, if/when it comes back in, you're too old to wear it again. That's some sound advice...nay...fact. So no Cyndi Lauper and early Mondonna outfits are in my future...darn it all!
Last night Ben and I worked late at the 7:30. We've gotten in a terrible habit of driving through for dinner...Boston Market, Taco Cabana, Chili's to, ch-ching!! We couldn't bare to spend another $25 on dinner even though that $25 also bought a little bit of sanity with it...nevertheless, it had to stop. So we went home determined to scrounge together something that resembled dinner.
Ben remembered that it was our Schwan's delivery day but since it was now nearly 8 pm we thought we were out of luck...driver gone home. Ben paged him anyway, just in case... Well, he came flying by the house in his big yellow truck and terrified that he would keep going, I flew out of the house to chase him down! Of course, at that point he was just backing up to park in front of the house. Ben and the driver got a good laugh at my behavior, but who cares...we have a freezer full of food! It's not the cheapest thing in town but when compared to dough we've been shelling out for dinner, you can't beat it. It tastes good too! Love the veggies, meatballs, tortellini, pork chops, french bread, breaded mushrooms...just to name a few.
We have a babysitter booked tonight b/c it's my birthday and Ben and I are going to Saltgrass for dinner...yes, the big THREE-FOUR! How did that happen? I just graduated from high school the other day :)
I hope Ben stays awake during dinner tonight. We have been desperate for him to repair our office network so he went to bed a little early last night (if 10 pm is considered early) and woke up at 2:30 am to go back to work. Isn't that crazy!? He's wonderful...everything is working! Yay! More intro to digital scrapbooking classes tomorrow. I'm so excited!!
Okay, where on earth does time go? We have about 15 functioning hours in an average day and I swear it feels like I only get to use about 1 of them....and yet I'm always doing least I'm out of breath a lot...probably b/c I desperately need to get to the gym...but anyway...
Monday was back to school for Nolen. It's actually getting harder now than it was when he was in Kindergarten **FOURTH GRADE** I can't believe it! He was so excited he could barely stand it. As we got in the car, he asked "You do have your camera, right mom!?" What a great kid! I think I'm having such a hard time just because he is getting so big...and before I know it, he won't need me anymore! What if he has a crush on some cute girl this year? How am I going to deal with that?? This is the year when those "will you go with me" notes get passed around. I'm just not ready!! He's started being self conscious about random his teeth. He's been using White Strips. And the first day of school he brushed once with whitening toothpaste and one with breath strips toothpaste. Who's he trying to have good breathe for?? He won't tell...
The relationships he forms now very well may alter his life forever. Example: the summer before 4th grade I met Tracy Adams, one of my closest and dearest friends to this day. Just before my senior year of high school, Tracy's boyfriend Jeff Jacobs introduced Ben and I to each other...and today we celebrate that meeting...we met August 16, 1989...married August 13, 1990 and the rest his history. Tracy and I just found out last week that Jeff passed away in March from a boating accident. It was sobering to see my 3 kids running around the house and know that if he hadn't made that one phone call to an old friend from junior high, Nolen, Ella & Gracie wouldn't be here. Heavy...
It was back to class for more than just kids this week! On Saturday, Polka Dot Potato had its very first intro to scrapbooking class taught by yours truly. It was exciting to see people learn and have fun! Here's a pic of the second class. I'm a TOTAL dork and forgot to snap a pic of the first one. You can see some more pics of the lounge here. Polka Dot Potato, Rehashed.
On Sunday, I got another bad case of baby fever when our friends Joel & Melody came with their son Grant and 3 week old baby, Kate. Isn't she beautiful?! There's nothing like the feeling of a house with a newborn in it. So comforting! While they were here, I snapped this cute picture of my girls sitting on the fireplace.
We switched internet hosts for the potato site which was loads of fun...we were down for about 2 days and still have some kinks to work out... But on the other hand, I've really been able to catch some odds and ends up at the office and feel like there is an end in sight to the chaos.
Over the summer, I worked on the logos for the spirit shirts for Nolen's school. I've prepared the art for the shirts over the last several years but this year's shirts really turned out cool! I actually didn't come up with the idea for the boys shirts...the cute PTA moms in the pic did that...but I am so pleased with how they turned out and I really can't believe I did the art! We decided to use the Dallas Mavericks logo as a guideline for ours...since we same oh so close to winning the championship...
We even had basketball shirts made for the boys. We sold over $2,000 worth of spirit items which is HUGE as we are not a wealthy school. Wahoo for the MST PTA!!
Ok, I have a confession to make and hopefully when Wendy reads this she'll laugh...I really, really thought that the 14th of August was a Tuesday. I knew that I had to speak to the Dallas Moms of Twins on the 14th...but when you don't realize until about 40 minutes before the event that in fact Monday is the 14th, there is cause for complete panic and pandemonium! Especially when the event is about 40 minutes away and you planned to spend that evening preparing the one hour talk the next day. I have no idea how it all came together...but miracles do happen because my computer didn't crash even once during the presentation! Thank you so much for having me, Wendy! I hope everyone enjoyed it! I had to laugh because in the middle of the realization of where I should be, Ben said, 'honey, can't you just call and tell them that you screwed up?' and I snapped back 'NO! I told Wendy I'd be there with bells on!'...yes, I actually wrote that in an e-mail so I was not about to disappoint! Really, it was probably so much better that I didn't prepare... I have a horrible habit of way over-preparing for events like this. It was a real blast I just love to see the wheels turning!!
Well, I don't know what came over me tonight...but I confessed to my husband that I'd like to have another baby. What is wrong with me!? Not like 3 years from now. And it all depends on getting this new business up and running. Let's put it this way...if God presents the opportunity again, I'll take it. There's just something about all these rug rats running around that I love! ...the giggles and goofiness...we'll see.
My computer has a power supply issue and it likes to overheat and shut down in the middle of saving important documents. I have this problem fault...I bought the generic power supply and you get what you pay for. Well, it happened just now and while I wanted to scream profanity from the top of my lungs, I refrained and picked up the American Baby magazine that just came in the mail. I'm glad I did because I got a good laugh out of this door hanger for a baby's room.
Ok, really, I don't have any...but isn't it a great title!? Pam & I are sitting here at my kitchen table...two empty bottles of wine...laughing about ridiculous things.
Have you read this? ? You must read :) We've entertained ourselves for hours with the fun stuff here. Think Desperate Housewives x 10....must read to believe!
Looks like Pam will be crashing at my house tonight... I think she's going to sleep in Ella's room... like old times again:)
Little known fact...I'm a BeautiControl Consultant...this is my TRUE CONFESSION... I only buy for myself.... Anyway, off to do some facials :)
So Fun!! This was my second time to be on the show and wow...what a difference a year makes! I was so much more nervous last year but this time it was fun...I really enjoyed it! You can listen here: Hee, hee... you can even dowload the MP3 :) world has been usual! It seems I feel out of breathe most of the day...
I really had a great time in Atlanta! Just loved it! We had a little mix up with some of the kits for the class and I was just AMAZED at how Emily handled it...with such ease! She's so good at turning something bad into something so good! The rest of our week is surely to be consumed with come some serious kit packing...but it's all for good reason! I'm just so pleased with the understanding of all those CKU attendees. The Atlanta folks were really, really happy people...THANK YOU!! I was particularly sad that I didn't have more hang time with ScrappyGuy...I haven't forgotten about you!!
I have mountains of work to complete tonight...more than would fit in a single day...but Ben just got back from Starbucks so that should help me:)
I just got back from Chicago it seems and now I'm off to Atlanta for CKU. Traveling takes everything out of me these days. I want a day to dedicate to my hold them, play with them, kiss them 'til there are no more kisses left. I really just need one of those days...
But no...I have to pack instead....and clean the house...and make dinner...and finish up some stuff on the website... Wow, I sound very depressing....sorry about that!
I had a great time in Chicago but missed seeing about half of the people I wanted to see. Everything was so rushed and I failed to go with a list and a concrete plan. I have no excuse whatsoever. I even had 8 hours of uninterrupted time in Tulsa OK that I could have used...but I did some other work instead.
I did find some great stuff to add to We finally figured out some crucial e-commerce stuff so we'll be shipping worldwide before you know it! I can't wait for Christmas time. I have so many fun gift ideas to add to the site. It's going to be a blast!
Every so often I get hit upside the head with the panic bug. I know there is a reason that I'm changing business directions from Magic Scraps to Polka Dot Potato and I'm constantly giving it all up to God b/c it's only with His help that I'm going to get through this. I know that all the pieces of the puzzle will come together. I thank new friends like Des that give me encouragement at just the right time.
Here's some fun pics from Chicago! It was so awesome meeting up with Lynda and walking the show with her - she's my Studio D friend and will be doing the chat tonight about Photoshop Elements. I can't wait. I have lots of questions of my own! Also, being with Pam was just like old times...LOVE HER!! And Jen and Brandy were a blast, too! All in all, it was the most fun I've had at CHA in years!! I loved not having to exhibit and being able to just take it all in!
My beautiful kids were featured on the Noritsu booth signage. It was easy for Emily to tell people what I had been up to that way :)
By the way, if anyone hasn't seen Emily's makeover, you must take a look: People had a hard time recognizing her at the show!
Question: What do you do with the squirt toys that were in the bathtub when your baby girl takes the biggest BM of her life?
My daughters were taking a bath together when all of a sudden, Ella, my 2.5 year old, jumps out screaming at the top of her lungs. Gracie, oblivious to what the hubbub was all about, was happily splashing the now brown tinted water. Of course they had every toy know to mankind in the bathtub with them. So I guess I need to go bathtub toy shopping soon...
I've been a little MIA lately, mostly b/c I've dedicated every waking hour to work of some sort. If it's not Magic Scraps, it's Polka Dot Potato. But God is doing something fun in our lives and we remain faithful that this hard work will pay off.
We had an unbelievable vacation. It was so great that I cried when we drove away. I love the Texas coast. The bay breeze, the palm trees...everything. It rained a lot but it didn't bring us down in the least bit. It was great just hanging out. Here are some of my favorite pics from the trip:
The beautiful sunset from the cottage pier
a self-take of me and Nolen hanging out together on the pier...the only picture of me from the whole trip. :)
We were met with some rain...okay, a LOT of rain...during the dolphin show at the Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi.
Here are my cutie girls, Gracie & Ella
Now it's off to Chicago for CHA Summer. I'll be doing some Spud Club buying and if you want to know what the Spud Club is, then stay tuned to the Potato to learn more.
Are You - or Someone You Know - a Workaholic? by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You love your work and are responsible for multiple projects and tasks that continue to be assigned to you or your group. You actually thrive on the multiple deadline pressures. Or perhaps you hold multiple jobs or own your own business. Your work hours are long, your at-home hours short, and your sleep hours few. Vacations and social visits with friends are a distant memory. Your only hobby is your job.
I admit it...this is me. I can't help it! I try oh so hard but I just get too dang passionate about stuff! The summer has been wilder than the school year...hard to believe, but true. I've been a terrible blogger most because I've been trying to keep up with TWO blogs - check out my new PDP blog. But luckily I have friends that do a great job with their blogs so I can easily tell my stories through them.
After the wildly successful garage sale two weeks ago, I went to my friend Lisa's house for a Jr. High / High School get-together with old friends. Read all about the "Good Times: here: Jen's Blog
Last week, Emily and I were off the CKU San Jose. We had a fabulous time!! Even got a pedicure! Emily's recap is here: Emily's Blog.
While I am back into my workaholic mode, I have had the fun of bringing the kids up to the office a lot more. Either Nolen or Ella come up and hang with me every day. Yesterday I had all THREE here together...that was a little much... I'm just so thrilled that they want to come up here. They actually beg to, and if I sneak out of the house without one of them I inevitably get a phone call that asks that I drive back to get them.
I remember going with my dad to work as a child. Those are really some of my best memories and no doubt the beginnings of my workaholic tendencies. My dad supported our very middle class family of 4 kids with a "roach coach" of those silver catering trucks that feed offices and construction sites. Needless to say, we were the most popular house on the street. Every childs dream come true...a silver truck with chips, cokes, candy and crap! I had to get up at about 5 am to go with my dad to work. We loaded the truck at a central place where all the catering trucks loaded up. It was still dark outside and I'll never forget all the hurried people running around, getting ready for the day. I loved eating a fresh warm glazed donut and drinking hot chocolate while waiting in the truck cab for my dad to finish. Then off to the first stop. My dad would blare his horn to the theme of the lone ranger and out came scads of people. I would accesorize with my very own changer on my waist. I desperately wanted to be involved in selling so I would make a sign: "Pay me for cigarettes". The cigs were kept on a large tray on the passenger side of the truck, so I would just open the door and stand there and try to get customers to pay me as they chose from Marlboro Lights or Kool 100s Menthol. Oh, those were the days...8 years old, hawking cigarrettes. Seriously though, I loved every second of it.
Nolen has spent a considerable time up here packaging things for the next garage sale on July 8th. He fully intends to have his own booth and tells me he'll split the money he makes with me. So generous considering it's all my stuff anyway:)
I'm off to a short family vacation in Rockport, TX ...not a place most would consider their first choice as a vacation spot but for me and my family it's perfect! A little sun, fishing, and relaxing is just what this workaholic needs.
I hope every one has a fantastic 4th of July. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!
Oh my goodness, have we accumulated some stuff!!! We're having a garage sale on Saturday, 9 - 5 at the Magic Scraps office. COME - you will NOT be disappointed!! As many of you know, I'm pretty much a digital gal now so I've got some really awesome stuff I'm selling for cheap, cheap, cheap! LOTS of 4/$1.00 stuff. Plus Emily and Virginia are digging out lots more goodies from their homes. Teachers, crafters, scrapbookers, kids...all should come b/c there's something for everyone! Don't worry, if you can't come tomorrow, we're going to do it again on the 8th of July - different stuff!
Yes, the news is real...Magic Scraps is coming to an end...but not for a few more months so STOCK UP! Everything is truly a collectors item now :)
It's sad news but when one door closes, another always opens. I have no regrets and am really looking forward to the road ahead.
A few months ago, I caught the digital bug. This is not to say that I don't still love paper scrapping - I really do! But my #1 concern is documenting my family's history and since I have not yet discovered how to live without sleep, going digital was my only option. Once I was hooked, I knew I needed to spread the word and that's exactly what I hope to with Polka Dot Potato. We've started as a starting place for a far reaching idea. We are interested in teaching hands-on digital classes so in the DFW area so if you are local, please e-mail me. (
If you haven't heard the news, here's the press release:
Jacksonville, Florida, June 12, 2006 – Advantus Corporation and Ashley Smith have announced that they will be discontinuing the Magic Scraps line of products beginning January 1, 2007. This was a mutual decision by both Ashley Smith, founder of Magic Scraps, and Kevin Carpenter, President of Advantus Corp.
Advantus will continue to sell Magic Scraps Scrappy Glue and Scrappy Tape on a go forward basis. The remaining Magic Scraps inventory will be available for sale while supplies last.
When asked about the decision to discontinue the Magic Scraps line of products, Kevin Carpenter said, “Advantus is committed to our craft and hobby division. At this time we find it necessary to focus our resources on the Cropper Hopper and Heidi Swapp brands. With the pending addition of two new major brands to be revealed at CHA Winter 2007, we made the difficult decision to discontinue Magic Scraps.”
Ashley Smith added, “I’m thankful for the experience that Advantus has given me, but I’m an entrepreneur at heart and happiest when I’m running my own business.”
Ashley and her husband Ben will be launching a new venture in digital scrapbooking, Polka Dot Potato (
Today was a GOOD of the days where life just makes sense. I worked from home today. The kids behaved. I got a great workout in. Ben got a problem solved on the website. It seemed like every time the phone rang it was someone giving us good news.
I stopped by the office tonight to pick up some things, went through the mail and found a copy of the coolest new mag. It's called Adorn and it's basically a hip chick's craft magazine. It's full of really fun and usable ideas. This is the premiere issue and it doesn't hit the stands until the 13th so be on the lookout. The first thing I noticed about the magazine is it's totally cute size. It's petite and fun to hold and flip through. It just feels cool.
I love what the editor writes in the front: "What does it mean to be crafty?...mostly, I think it's an attitude, a willingness to try something new and improvise when need be. Finally, it's about trusting that there's no "right" way to do things...just what's right for you." Amen, sista!
There were several projects that really stuck out to me. One was this clock made from a record album. SO very cool. I want to do a bunch and line them up with a sign under each: New York, London, Tokyo, Sidney, etc. Wouldn't that be cute? They would be perfect in my kitchen. Another project that I thought was rockin' was the frosted coasters. These would make awesome gifts for people. And the Heidi Swapp masks would be perfect for this. Another must do soon.
I also loved the Fiesta Mexicana article - the painted paper lanterns are fun. I LOVE paper lanterns. I decorated a paper lantern with silk flowers and use it as a decoration over my baby Gracie's bed. She has a vintage Hawiian theme going on in her room so the lantern seemed right (and cheap.) It's totally gaudy and I totally love it that way. I must give credit to my friend Virginia - she gave me the idea. I used Magic Scraps' gemstone fasteners to secure the flowers to the lantern. Ella's room is painted irridescent pearl, has a chandelier and black and pink accents. At Target's after Halloween sale I snagged some black paper lanterns to make her one full of pink flowers for over her bed...have yet to do it but I think this magazine might have inspired me to get to work on that project. Finally, there's a great article about cool vintage shops in Austin and since I just reconnected today with a childhood friend who lives in Austin, I think a roadtrip might be in my near future.
I love to see the cool side of crafting. I noticed that the publisher is SoHo Publishing - the same publisher of Scrap City where yours truly has a layout about my house. It's a well put together book. I gave a copy to my mom for Mother's Day b/c the journaling on my layout is about how much my mom influenced my love for decorating.
The magazine is a real winner, so if you see it, BUY IT!
Happy belated Memorial Day! The long weekend went by way too fast. It was fun-filled but not too crazy.
Friday night, Nolen had an impromptu sleepover with two friends - Garrett & John. Ben took all of the boys and Ella to see Over the Hedge. We'd had some free movie coupons on the fridge for ages so it turned out to be a pretty affordable night. After Ella went to bed, the 3 boys played the soundtrack to High School Musical, a disney channel original movie, and danced around the living room. I'm not sure Nolen was real keen about the dancing around but his friends were very entertained.
Side note - remember Kids Incorporated - 1984? What a great show that was:)
On Saturday we (*gasp*) got a babysitter and went to a party. My friend Jen celebrated her 34th birthday and the passing of her comps - the test she needed to pass to go forward with her Doctorate in Psychology. Several high school friends were there which made it really cool.
I find high school so completely amusing. After the party, I drove the babysitter home and boy did she have some drama going on in her life to share... and she's just 14! She hadn't even been born yet when we all graduated from high school. I think it's funny how everything seemed so monumental back then. Why was that? Hormones? Boredom? Just plain immaturity? Whatever it was, I'm so glad those days are behind me. It's fun to get to know people you knew in high school that you didn't really know at all.
Sunday & Monday we mostly just worked. We're still fine tuning our new website: There's so much I want to add but I'm really pleased about how it's coming along.
Aren't mohawks a blast? Today was the closing ceremony at Nolen's school. So much fun! Our awesome principals had a little bet with the 5th graders - they promised to get mohawks if 100% of the kids passed the science TAKS test (the TX standardized test for 3rd - 11th grades). Well, they got so close - 97% passed which was enough for the principals to make good on their they had their wives come to the ceremony and give them mohawks in front of the kids. It was great! I don't think this was Mr. Gibbins first mohawk. His wife appeared highly skilled. Mr. Forsyth, on the other hand, ended up with a fauxhawk. And he came very prepared with his own smock.
Included in the festivities were some musical acts: Root Canal sung "Sweet Home MST" and Ms. Patterson belted "We are Family".
We've had such a wonderful year. Every teacher Nolen has had at MST has been fantastic! Nolen's teacher this year, Mrs. Yeager, is wonderful - exactly what Nolen needed - that perfect balance between patience and firmness. She was dancing to the music today. She looks about 12 in this picture I snapped. She's so fun and cute.
Tomorrow is the last day of school. I'm sure I'll cry. I get way emotional about these things.
Well, it's 4 am in Provo, UT and I can't sleep to save my life. I had some crazy dream about trying to teach with roaches and rats running around our feet and now I can't seem to get those visions out of my head. Just lovely. Perfect time to update the blog...
On Tuesday, I had the most awesome visit with Tiffany Tillman, a new 2006 CK Hall of Fame winner. We're totally kindred spirits. We swapped fun ideas and visions for the future. Our daughters are just 4 days apart, too. How cute are these girls together? And Lita is the sweetest thing ever.
I left for Provo on Wednesday and have had a really enjoyable trip. 8 years in the scrapbooking industry and this is my first time to Utah. Crazy! The mountains are gorgeous, the air is clean, it's just amazing.
Emily is on fire! She feels great and is rockin' the house as usual.
We had several hours to hang out so we went to the mall which sounds really lame but when you rarely get to shop without kids running around, this is a real treat. Ella is now the proud owner of SIX pair of flip flops! I also bought these cute matching t-shirts for my little monkeys. Can't wait to do a photo shoot.
Our newest project is [say a little prayer] just hours from going live. We had one little glitch to get past last night...not sure if it was resolved yet...but it should be... So take a look when you get a chance - - and be sure to sign up for the newsletter so you can find out about the grand opening and all the fun things we're doing.
Better try to get more zzzzzz's. 8 am is right around the corner.