Monday, October 16, 2006

Fun Quiz - How nerdy are you?

Just found this quiz on my friend Laura's blog. Take it and let me know where you come in.

I am nerdier than 14% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Oh, and I didn't score non-nerdy b/c I'm not really nerdy. The truth is, I'm just not that smart :)


Ben said...

I'm a 56 - lightly nerdy.


Emily Adams said...

oh. my. God.

I'm a mid-level nerd.
with a score of...


that's just overkill...I think I blew it when I knew all the pictures of the science guys & the periodic table...

Unknown said...

ROFL. I scored 43. You are not nerdy at all, Ashley! LOL

Julie Ann Shahin said...

ah well. I scored 28.