I love music but I never let myself slow down enough to enjoy it. But I decided that since I was on a Saturday flight and had a long week of hard work ahead of me, I would treat myself to a laptop-free plane ride. Good thing since Kate & I were practically snuggling in our non-exit row seats.
My sweet husband stayed up until 2 am filling
his MP3 player with some of
my favorites: The BoDeans, Ella Fitzgerald , The Police, Cyndi Lauper, Elvis Costello. I love the emotions that music evokes - a song can you back in time like no photograph can.
Here's an example: I was listening to R.O.C.K. in the USA by John Cougar Mellancamp. It immediately took me back in time - when on a whim, I decided to meet up with Kate & Emily in Indianapolis, IN for CKU. After my connecting flight was cancelled, I ended up on a bus from Chicago to Indianpolis. I finally got my rental car, started out on the highway, turned on the radio and lo and behold, what is blaring from the car radio? ROCK in the USA! What a perfect Midwest song from a quintessential Midwest rocker! That trip turned out to be one of the best trips
ever. It was the very next day that I met Kristi Sikora Blankenship, Cropper Hopper queen herself, who later introduced me to Advantus which brings me to now...My CHA launch is just 9 hours away...a launch that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Advantus! And all these memories came to me because I listened to a song on the plane.
So if this show goes well, I'm rewarding myself (and my husband for putting up with me) some I-pods. I never really understood the whole music phenomenon until recently but now I get it. So if you haven't taken some time alone and listened to some of your favorite tunes, do it soon. You'll be glad you did.
Oh, and here's another CHA preview: