When I was 10 years old, I went to church camp. My parents dropped me off in a white 1977 Chevy Malibu Station Wagon with a strip of brown faux wood down the side and picked me up in a brand spanking new 1982 white Chevy Suburban. This was way before Suburbans were cool. Of course, my 2 year old sister, Elizabeth, had already managed to puke in it. I'll never forget my excitement that day. I kept asking "Daddy, is it ours? Are we going to keep it?"...just sure this was a practical joke. We kept it all right. I learned how to drive in it, backed into my first pole in it, took countless family trips to the coast in it with my Granny sitting in the second row, drove it on my first trip with my husband (since our Toyota didn't even make it to Waxahachie before the transmission fell out)...it was always there...toting our family of six all over God's creation when gas was just 99 cents a gallon.
Well, this was a crazy week. I went on an errand Monday morning, saw a Suburban with a 'for sale' sign on it, and now we own one! We don't own the first one I saw...that one needed some work...but we stumbled upon one in Ana, TX that is as close to perfection as a 2001 model with 106,000 miles can be.
Nolen is in love with our new ride. It came equipped with a VCR, a screen and three wireless earphones. We made the deal one night and met the owner at the bank the next day at noon. Nolen was so excited that he woke up at 4 am, got dressed and was just waiting for the hours to pass, for the Suburban to be ours. He later decided that that wasn't such a smart idea after all and he got back in bed and slept 4 more hours... but nonetheless, that kind of pure enthusiasm is priceless.
We're a one car family which is a little unheard of in this day and age, but it works for us. And having this new car is such a huge blessing. In one week we lessened our debt by $15,000 and are saving $350 a month! And we love this big honkin' gas guzzlin' road hog!
And the really cool thing about it is if we ever lose the house, we can alway live in the car! :)
Way to take the Dave Ramsey approach!
Oh, forgot to ask...are you going to be able to park this thing?
Beautiful!! Very excited for you! Have a great trip!
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